The long day of hard work in a Charleston, West Virginia Chinese take-out business. Owner Carina Kwok  knows the names of many repeat customers when they walk through the door of Main Kwong Restaurant or when they order over the phone. Caller ID helps, of course, but she also  remembers their favorites and customary substitutions... 

She typically arrives at Main Kwong at about 9 a.m., and organizes deliveries, supervises food preparation and early deliveries.... The chaotic pace starts almost the moment the doors open at 11 a.m., as customer orders pour in, and continues through mid-afternoon. Dinner time brings a new wave of orders, deftly fielded by Kwok, who cleans up after the 10 or 11 p.m. closing. She's rarely home before midnight. The restaurant is open seven days a week, and Kwok's smiling face is nearly always behind the counter.